We are an enthusiastic group of students, parents, instructors and supporters. Our group brings history alive for old York Town, and teaches music, history and leadership to our youth.
The Fifes and Drums of York Town is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. We are funded by the contributions of parents, both in volunteer time and money, and also by the generous support of the York County Arts Commission, The Virginia Commission for the Arts, The National Endowment for the Arts, The Celebrate Yorktown Committee, and by individual donors who are interested in preserving our American heritage.
To make a tax deductable donation to the Corps, please send your check or money order to:
The Fifes and Drums of York Town
P.O. Box 66
Yorktown, Virginia 23690

The Fifes and Drums of York Town is funded in part by the generous support of the York County Arts Commission, The Virginia Commission for the Arts, The National Endowment for the Arts, The Celebrate Yorktown Committee, and by individual donors who are interested in preserving our American heritage.